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发布日期:2017-11-24访问次数: 字号:[ ]

 姓名:谢恩  单位:水利工程系  职称:副教授



   1 水污染控制技术










担任Bioresource TechnologyEnvironmental TechnologyCogent Environmental Science等国际期刊审稿人。 


1. 2016/01,短程硝化-反硝化除磷工艺调控和功能菌生态位机制解析,国家自然科学基金,主持;

2. 2014/04,短程硝化-反硝化除磷工艺微生物种群特征研究,中国博士后科学基金,主持;

3. 2013/01,湿地植物根系分泌物对根际氮转化菌群特征空间演化调控,国家自然科学基金,主研;

4. 2010/08,基于PAHs 降解机理与微生物群落结构解析的泥浆反应器优化调控技术,国家自然科学基金,主研;

5. 2008/03,三峡库区水质模拟与次级河流污染控制技术研究,三峡建设委员会国际科技合作项目,参研;

6. 2007/11,三峡库区水环境污染工程控制与安全保障技术研究,科技部国际科技合作项目,参研;

7. 2008/5,城市污水氮磷营养盐污染控制新技术研究,重庆市重大科技攻关项目,参研: 


  发表中英文学术论文20余篇,其中SCI收录10 篇,国际学术会议论文1篇。获权发明专利20项,实用新型专利1项。

         1. Xie, E., Ding, A.Z., Dou, J.F., Zheng, L.* and Yang, J. (2014) Study on decayingcharacteristics of activated sludge from a circular plug-flow reactor using response surface methodology. Bioresource Technology 170, 428-435.  (SCI)

         2. Xie, E., Xu, X.Y.* and Luo, G.Y. (2013) Study on a novel reactor of sludge process reduction for domestic sewage treatment. Environmental Technology 34(12), 1593-1599. (SCI)

         3. Xie E., Ding A. Z., Zheng L.*, Lu C., Wang J. S., Huang B. B., Xiu H. F. (2015) Seasonal variation in populations of nitrogen-transforming bacteria and correlation with nitrogen removal in a full scale horizontal flow constructed wetland treating polluted river water. Geomicrobiology Journal 33(3-4), 338-346. (SCI)

         4. Xie E., Ding A. Z., Zheng L.*, Dou J.F., Bruce A., Huang X. L., Jing R. T. (2016) Screening and Characterising a Denitrifying Phosphorus - accumulating Bacterium Isolated from a Circular Plug-flow Reactor. Environmental Technology. (SCI)

         5. Dou J. F., Yuan J.*, Ding A. Z., Xie E., Li S. R., Zheng L. (2016) Evaluation of poly-beta-hydroxybutyrate as a sorbent material for the removal of spilled crude oil from water. Desalination and Water Treatment 57(24), 11233-11241. (SCI)

         6. Dou J. F., Qin W.*, Ding A. Z., Xie E., Zheng L., Ding W. C. (2015) Engineering application of activated alumina adsorption dams for emergency treatment of arsenic-contaminated rivers. Environmental Technology 36(21), 2755-2762. (SCI)

         7. Qin W., Dou J. F.*, Ding A. Z., Xie E., Zheng L. (2014) A study of subsurface wastewater infiltration systems for distributed rural sewage treatment. Environmental Technology 35(16), 2115-2121. (SCI)

         8. Dou J. F., Wang Y. Y.*, Ding A. Z., Xie E., Fan F. Q. (2013) The Optimization of Square Wave Voltammetry's Parameters for the Determination of Copper Using Screen-Printed Eletrochemical Sensor. Sensor Letters 11(11), 2114-2116. (SCI)

         9. Dou J. F., Wang Y. Y.*, Ding A. Z., Xie E., Liu X., Yun Y. (2013) Naphthalene Degradation in Soil Inoculated with Mixed Denitrifying Bacteria. Environmental Engineering and Management Journal 12(9), 1763-1766. (SCI)

         10. Dou J. F., Qin W.*, Yuan J., Ding A. Z., Xie E., Wang Y. Y., Liu X. Growth Kinetics of Microbacterium lacticum and Nitrate-Dependent Degradation of Ethylbenzene under Anaerobic Conditions. Bioremedition Journal 18(3), 248-257. (SCI)

         11. Xie E.*, Ding A. Z., Zheng L., Dou J. F., Jing R. T., Qin W., Zhi J. H. (2015) The influence of temperature on the Circular Plug-Flow oxidation ditch. IWA Conference, Nutrient Removal and Recovery, GDA?SK, POLAND.

         12. Xie, E., Su Y. P., M.Kontopyrgou, Zheng L., Ding A. Z., Zhang D. Y. *, Phosphorus forms determine the growth and phosphatase activities of Microcystis aeruginosa, Nature Communications. (Under Review)

         13. Xie, E., Zheng, L., Sun, Y., Ding, A. and Zhang, D. Y.*, One-step synthesis of MNPs-TiO2 catalysts for Rhodamine 6G photodegradation,Chemosphere. (Under Review)

         14. Xie, E., Zheng, L., Ding, A. and Zhang, D. Y.*,Fenton-like degradation of ethidium bromide by reusable magnetic nanoparticles, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental (Under Review)

         15. 景若婷, 丁爱中, 谢恩*, 王大扬, 白晓婷.(2016) 一体化污水处理反应器处理分散生活污水实验研究. 水处理技术. 12, 108-112.




  E-mail: xe@cau.edu.cn



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